California is our playground

We provide advisory services to clients across the Golden State in support of a regenerative economy.

Monterey is our first pilot region

Through a discovery process in 2023, projects were identified as having the power to address the most urgent challenges and opportunities of the region. These projects are being designed to help enable all residents, businesses and the natural environment to prosper.

Regenerative food

Demonstrating that changing school diets can help solve food waste, grow careers, improve nutrition and drive the market for regenerative agriculture. 

Zero Foodprint, WWF, Conscious Kitchen

A NYT interview with Anthony Myint, Executive Director of Zero FoodPrint

Person with regeneratively grown food
Harvesting a lettuce
Person with freshly picked carrots
Tractor in a field with sunflowers

Regenerative oceans

Together with Monterey Bay Fisheries, we’re re-envisioning the future of fishing to balance  environmental stewardship with economic vitality for the region.

Monterey Bay Fisheries Trust

About the importance of kelp systems here

Pulling crabs from the sea
Aerial photo of the ocean
Lady with a fresh caught fish
Man holding two freshly caught fish

Regenerative tourism

Working across the state to discover how tourism can play a role regenerating local economies in 12 regions. 

Person looking across a mountain range in awe
Hiking in California
Riding a bike along the coast
Surfer preparing to go surfing

Regenerative housing

Partnering with Rancho Cielo and Build Better for Health to better meet the need for everyone to enjoy affordable, healthy, durable and dignified housing in Monterey.

Rancho Cielo, Build Better for Health

A team of workers cutting plywood
Installing floorboards
Installing ceiling joists

Read a report

While working at SecondMuse, Kristin Coates along with business leaders from Monterey developed the vision and support to launch Regenerative Monterey. SecondMuse conducted the research and discovery phase to better understand the challenges and opportunities of working towards a regenerative economy in Monterey. See their findings and meet some of the people involved in the reports below.

Insights report cover
Humans of Monterey cover