Our vision

Make California the first regenerative economy

California is the world’s fifth largest economy. A powerhouse of innovation that leads the world in environmental, social and economic progress. If ever there was a place to demonstrate a regenerative economy is possible, it’s right here in California, right now.

If anyone can, California can.

Regenerative economies replenish and restore

Rather than doing less harm, they focus on rebuilding what is damaged and growing health and prosperity for all life within the system. 

Visual explanation of sustainability versus circularity versus regeneration

How we work

Convene + connect

to identify regional challenges and opportunities

Support + enable

partners to advance regenerative initiatives and investments

Learn + amplify

with stories of what works to inspire and engage others

When you connect regenerative projects, you start to create a regenerative economy.


  • Living systems embrace complexity, resisting the temptation to over-simplify solutions

  • The diversity of each region, community individual and ecosystem enable its health

  • The interdependent parts of a system shape the system and are shaped by it

  • Planetary boundaries are non-negotiable and healthy ecosystems are the habitat for all economies

  • Living systems evolve and change, in planned and unexpected ways

The power of partnerships

We work with like-minded organizations in business, community, government, foundations and nonprofit sectors who:

  • Believe a regenerative economy is possible

  • Work to transcend silos

  • Already invest in the region

  • Commit to a multi-year strategy

  • See partnership as the way forward

Young people showing what they have grown at Rancho Cielo

Monterey County.
Our first pilot region.

We’re bringing people together across the food, housing, marine and tourism sectors to co-create a more regenerative economy.

A deer standing on a hill overlooking the bay in Monterey